The game tells the story of an aspiring knight eager to prove their worth, on a quest to a mining town whose resources are essential. Upon arrival, the town is eerily deserted, except for its aging mayor, who describes a terrifying series of kidnappings by supernatural creatures in the caverns below. Although the story is the same for all players, the exact layout of the world map is unique for each adventure, through the game's use of procedural generation combined with handmade room sequences.
Chasm is a video game developed and published by Discord Games, scheduled to be released in 2016.
Welcome to Chasm, an action-adventure game in which you play a new recruit undertaking your first mission for the Guildean Kingdom. Thrilled to prove your worth as a knight, you track strange rumors that a mine vital to the Kingdom has been shut down. But what you discover in the mining town is worse than you imagined: The townspeople have disappeared, kidnapped by supernatural creatures emerging from the depths.
Honor-bound to solve the mystery and restore peace to the Kingdom, you embark upon an epic adventure, with deadly battles against cunning monsters, exploration of ancient catacombs and castles, and powerful new equipment hidden at every turn. Though the overall story is the same for all players, your hero's journey will be unique: each of the rooms has been hand-designed, and behind the scenes Chasm stitches these rooms together into a one-of-a-kind world map that will be your own.
Key Features
Explore six massive procedurally-assembled areas from hand-crafted rooms
Enjoy challenging retro gameplay and authentic pixel art (384x216 native res.)
Battle massive bosses and discover new abilities to reach previously inaccessible areas
Customize your character by equipping armor, weapons, and spells
Windows, Mac, & Linux versions with full Gamepad support
Requisitos del sistema
SO: Windows XP + Service Pack 3
Procesador: Dual Core CPU
Memoria: 1 GB de RAM
Gráficos: OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable)
Almacenamiento: 1 GB de espacio disponible
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